Social Dining

Gather with others and partake of hot meals provided by Foodnet. Any Tompkins County resident aged 60 or older may participate.

Advance registration required.

How It Works

Participants are invited to gather in a community space to enjoy a meal provided by Foodnet and socialize with others. Social connection is known to enhance overall health as we age, and this program aims to reduce isolation and its associated negative health effects.

The program offers the same hot meal menu as our home delivery service. Regular attendance, at least once a week, is required. Meals are served in the Titus Towers community room, which is open from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, with meals served between 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. Advance registration is necessary to ensure we are ready with a meal for you. Parking is available in the visitors’ lot behind the Titus Towers II building.


The Social Dining program welcomes any Tompkins County resident aged 60 or older and their accompanying family member or caregiver. There are no financial criteria to participate. Individuals aged 6o+ and not eligible for home delivered meals are eligible for the social dining program.


Voluntary and anonymous contributions from participants toward the costs of the service are welcome. All contributions go back into the program to allow for expanded reach and improved services.

Not yet 60?

Persons who are not yet 60 or otherwise ineligible may participate by paying the full $9.50 cost of the meal.


Dining Room Open 11:30am-1:00pm
Lunch Served 12:00-12:30pm


Titus Towers
Community Room
800 S. Plain St., Ithaca, NY 14850

Sign Up

Participation requires a reservation. 
Call us at 607-266-9553 for more information or to register.

Foodnet Meals on Wheels is proud to partner with the Tompkins County Office for the Aging (COFA) to provide home-delivered meals, congregate meals, and related nutrition services for older individuals authorized under the Older Americans Act. Foodnet receives funding from COFA and the NYS Office for the Aging to carry out these programs.